Will the Seahawks make the playoffs in 2010-2011 season?

Monday, March 22, 2010

U.S.S.A. Revolution!

Well welcome everyone to the new and bright world that is dawning in America! As the title eludes we are on the verge of a repeat of history with our very own socialist state (United Socialist States of America). Apparently Obama and congress never heard the quote "Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." They seem quite content to walk down the paths that Stalin and Lenin paved so eloquently. It requires immeasurable arrogance to just hop into government run health care and business (the government has already taken control of most of the automotive industry in America.)

As I see it the government has a few (and very specific) responsibilities. The protection of the citizens from enemies foreign and domestic. This is fulfilled by police and the military. Government exists to represent not misrepresent or coerce their constituents. Government is not supposed to be running business! You want to help business people Obama? Reduce the deficit and reduce useless government programs...not add to the them (like Obama-care.)

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