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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Authority in Marriage - Conflict or Partnership?

This post is in response to a few select chapters in a book called "Preaching to a Shifting Culture." in which the authors submit that the God we serve is gender-neutral and the roles specified in scripture are a cultural neuance and nothing more.

What then is the problem? Why is modern man (and woman) so confused about roles and responsibilities of each gender respectively? I believe the issue is tied to the fact that Lord said these issues would be so.

Why the conflict?

Genesis 13 talks of the post-fall way of life, that man and woman would have. She will "desire" her husband, but this is not referring to a love but rather a desire to supplant. We know this by the following line in the text "...and he shall rule over thee [God speaking to Eve]." Now the implications of this are very broad. The natural bent of human nature (both men and women) is to oppose authority in whichever form we find it, but for women God specifially says that the husband will have authority over the wife in the marriage context.

What is authority?

I wish to clarify a fundamental difference between ideas of superiority and authority. Superiorioty is defined as "surpassing others in something, for example, intellect, achievement, or ability." declaring one thing better qualitatively than something else. Authority however is a unique word, for the Christian we must believe that all authority is external. Meaning that we cannot generate genuine authority of our own will. True authority is dispensed from God unto whomever He chooses (Matthew 28:18, Mark 1:22). Hence why we are called to pray for secular leaders and submit ourselves to those who govern over us in a political sense, because God has provided them with that authority for a time and for his purpose. Authority is therefore based on nothing more than the will of God to place it on whomever He chooses.

Luke 7:6-9 I believe this passage teaches us much about faith but it also clearly shows us the levels of authority. The centurion appeals to Christ on the basis that he understands Jesus level of authority and submits himself to the power of that authority. Whereas even he (the centurion) has men under his command which he has authority over. Lets draw some conclusions from this picture.

Marriage, and Submission?

This is where men fall short, because God has given us authority over our wives, but what does that mean we must do? Men in our modern culture have abandoned the thought that all authority (work, military, government, and marital.) is originated in God's complete authority. Men are not looking at God for the foundations of good leadership and are greatly damaging those under his authority by continuing to do so. Men abuse their wives and children, when the Bible calls them as protectors. Men abandon the leadership of the home in spiritual matters for economic opportunities. Men domineer and create an atmosphere of fear, while God calls men to love their wives as Christ loves the church! All of these cause dissention and opposition from those under his authority (and it should!).

Returning to the military analogy. Consider each believer as a soldier in Gods army. A sargent for example may have authority over a few men. Each one of those men has been given a command from the general (God) to obey those in authority over them (i.e. the sargent). The willfull submission of the soldier to the sargent does not decrease the value of the soldier, inversely it increases the potential strength of the platoon as a whole! The sargent who has been given the authority must be constantly aware of the needs and thoughts of the soldiers under him and be willing to sacrafice his desires for the betterment of the platoon and for the ultimate goals and desires of the general. The worth of the soldier is not dimished by his position, in fact the soldier may be more talented or gifted than the sargent, but this fact does not remove the sargent's authority as recieved from the general.

Men as faithful stewards of the authority we have received let us solemnly consider the great weight of responsibility we have to our families and our households. For any man that lightly considers the needs of his wife is unfit for the authority, we are to love her as Christ loved the church. 1 Timothy 5:8,
1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:28.

Women as faithful stewards of the position you have recieved consider the great measure of love that God and your husband has for you. Help and encourage your husbands in his role of leadership. Respect him and be free to trust him completely. 1 Peter 3:1, Ephesians 5:22;24.

Final Thoughts

Women, would it be hard to respect and submit to a man who was 1) Fully commited to Jesus Christ and 2) Fully commited to sacrafice his own life and desires for the benefit and safety of those under his authority?

Men, would it be too hard for us to humbly lead our families in the fear of God? Would it be too hard to lay down our lives for our wives, daily?

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